Plato pizza dashboard

1. Dataset Summary

A year's worth of sales from a fictitious pizza place, including the date and time of each order and the pizzas served, with additional details on the type, size, quantity, price, and ingredients.

  • This dataset contains 4 tables in CSV format.
  • The Orders table contains the date & time that all table orders were placed.
  • The Order Details table contains the different pizzas served with each order in the Orders table, and their quantities.
  • The Pizzas table contains the size and price for each distinct pizza in the Order Details table, as well as its broader pizza type.
  • The Pizza Types table contains details on the pizza types in the Pizzas table, including their name as it appears on the menu, the category it falls under, and its list of ingredients.

2. DIM & FACT tables

  • DIM tables: Pizzas, Pizza Types
  • FACT tables: Orders, Order Details

3. Tool: Excel

4. The brief

  • Tracking business performance
  • Compare product performance
  • Identify highest-grossing products and perform deeper product analysis

5. Recommendations

a. Products

∎ Pizza is a starchy dish
➝ The menu should add other dishes, such as salads.

∎ The Brie Carre Pizza: $23.65 for S size, this price is relatively high
➝ Consider adjusting the price or defining the unique selling points of this product (very delicious or using expensive ingredients), and then run a free-tasting promotion.

∎ The Greek Pizza is the only pizza that serves size XL và XXL, but sales is only well at XL size ($14,076/12 months), too low at XXL size ($1,007/12 months)
➝ Consider removing XXL size and run the experiment by adding XL size with 5 pizzas: Thai Chicken, Barbecue Chicken, California Chicken, Spicy Italian, Southwest Chicken; these pizzas have the most sales at L size and then see how the results.

∎ To serve group or family customers
➝ The restaurant can create combos with a combination of 2-3 types of pizza with an attractive price, such as Chicken L with Cheese L or Cheese L with Spicy L.

∎ Instead of ordering Big Meat S ($12) with other pizza
➝ Let's invite customers to try pizzas of the S size in the Supreme category (Supreme's S price is only a bit higher, $12.25 to $12.5), but ingredients are more varied.

b. Operations

∎ During peak periods:
➝ Encourage customers to book a table in advance by phone and list of pizza types they would like to eat; then, the kitchen can prepare before to serve quicker, save time and make it convenient to arrange the tables.

∎ About operating time: Instead of opening at 9AM, the restaurant can consider the following:
+ Opening from 10AM onwards.
+ Closing at 10PM on the first days of the week, especially mid to weekend, open late until 11PM

∎ About the seats:
➝ The restaurant can add tables with two chairs for guests who come alone or in groups of 2, ensuring privacy and space-saving seats; in case to serve a group of 4 people: we can pair two tables quickly